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3 Most Impactful Ways Kaseware Supports The Fusion Center Network

The Role of Fusion Centers

There has never been a time when open intelligence and information amongst law enforcement has been more vital. With the uptick of societal challenges like opioid related overdoses and the increase in violent crime, along with the ongoing threat of domestic and international terrorism, the fusion center network is, by design, the most capable way of facilitating a solution. Fusion centers work diligently to take sparse pieces of information and develop actionable intelligence. The goal of actionable intelligence is to prevent an event from happening, therefore it is difficult to quantify the positive effect that fusion centers and intelligence agencies have. However, by knowing they are there, working hand-in-hand with one another, most assuredly makes this country a safer place to live.  

Three Impactful Ways Kaseware Supports the Fusion Center Network

Kaseware is incredibly proud to support over 20% of the Fusion Center Network and provide them these impactful capabilities:

Connectability – One of the main functions of the fusion centers is information and intelligence sharing. Kaseware enables fusion centers to speak with one another and enable a consolidated view of SARS data. With Kaseware, by simply adjusting the access controls, one fusion center can share information with other centers or with other Kaseware clients in the law enforcement world. Even other organizations supporting public safety, such as non-profit organizations that track human trafficking intelligence, can easily share valuable and time-sensitive information securely to the network of fusion centers. 

Documentation – Kaseware offers fusion centers, many of whose parent agencies are law enforcement agencies, the ability to create their own forms and documents within the platform. Those centers that require specialized documentation are supported with an easy-to-configure product that can address the most pressing issues encountered by the fusion center network.  Kaseware supports missions as diverse as gang intelligence, critical infrastructure threat assessment, cybersecurity reporting and assessment, and threats of terrorism, both domestic and international.  All of this documentation, as well as all information stored in the system, can be retained through user-generated rules applied so regulations like 28 CFR Part 23 can be adhered to easily.

Enable Fast Responses – In the event of an imminent threat, Kaseware has the tools that enable the analysts to act accordingly to disrupt an event, such as an active shooter in a school or a threat to critical infrastructure. The ease-of-use, along with the ability to customize the platform, enable the fusion center to receive, analyze, and disseminate information in a rapid fashion. All of the necessary tools, including direct submissions to eGuardian, enhance the capabilities of the analysts to connect the dots. In today’s world time is of the essence. Kaseware’s tools work in conjunction with one another along with other pieces of information to rapidly analyze with the goal of disrupting that event.

Customizable Platform To The Needs Of Any Center

Fusion centers offer a range of services for the public, and some of those services are due to local or regional priorities. To meet the needs of differing groups, Kaseware provides a completely customizable platform.  Every feature can be added, removed, toggled, and renamed to provide ease of use. The fusion center network may also benefit from the Professional Services available at Kaseware that assist in the setup and configuration of the Kaseware platform. 

Along with in-platform customization, Kaseware also offers a pricing scale that is adjustable to the size of different organizations. One of the biggest challenges for fusion centers, and law enforcement agencies in general, within the United States is funding. Kaseware does everything within its power to make our solution affordable to meet the needs of both large and small agencies.

About the Author

Kaseware employs several subject matter experts from law enforcement.  Mike Hartlzer, one of those experts, spent six years as the Director of the Greater Cincinnati Fusion Center during his 39 years in law enforcement.  When asked about why he views Kaseware as a solution to the difficulties the fusion center network faces, he said “I am passionate about the sharing of information and intelligence amongst all law enforcement partners within the United states, including federal, state and local organizations. My experience as a fusion center director taught me the importance of a system that introduces connectability and responsiveness that does not take away unnecessary time from the normal work function of the analyst.  Kaseware is definitely that system.” 

If interested about learning more, schedule a demo here!

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